Why You Need ItWho it CoversWhat It IsWhat It CostsHow to Buy ItAbout ClaimsAudits
What It IsIt’s insurance for workers injured on the jobWorkers compensation provides benefits to your employees for work-related injuries or illnesses. This includes medical care, wages from lost work time, rehab, disability benefits and survivor or death benefits.
Why You Need ItHealth Insurance is not a substituteWorkers’ comp provides benefits to your employees for work-related injuries or illnesses. This includes medical care, wages from lost work time, rehab, disability benefits and survivor or death benefits.
Who It CoversFull-time, part-time, maybe even youState laws vary by state. Find out if your required to cover full-time and part-time employees for your business.
What It CostsMultiple factors abouts your business impact costsDepending upon the business your in, workers compensation plans will be compared to other companies in the same business. But many other factors go into determining your plans costs.
About ClaimsEasy claims make getting help fastEmployees should report claims as soon as possible for themselves and your company. This will help them get the care they need and protect you in case their small cut with a few stitches turns into something much bigger down the road.
AuditsWork comp audits are meant to be a positive.The purpose of an audit is to make sure you’re paying the right premium so that you don’t pay too much or too little. The result may even be a refund.
How to BuyA good choice today could last you a lifetimeHaving workers compensation may not be a choice. But who you get it from is. Ask questions, compare coverage and look at reputation. Your decision could make the difference in the life of your employees.